Ideas económicas para el dormitorio

    Ideas económicas para el dormitorio primaveral

    Con el cambio de estación, y el arribo de la primavera, llega el momento de olvidarse de los colores apagados, las telas pesadas y el encierro, y hay que abrir el dormitorio a la luz, los colores y la renovación.

    Hacer de tu recámara un espacio primaveral requiere de más ingenio que dinero.

    He aquí algunas claves para montar un dormitorio primaveral con nada más que tu imaginación.

    1. Todo alrededor de la cama

    Que el color de las paredes, las cortinas y el mobiliario se encuentren en el cubrecamas. Opta por los estampados alegres y coloridos, en donde los colores del ambiente se vean representados, con preferencia en una gama más brillante.

    De este modo lograrás un conjunto más integrado… con nada más que el cubrecamas.

    2. Usa colores brillantes

    Ante un sol generoso, colores brillantes que difundan la luz y hagan más luminoso al espacio.

    Prefiere las telas más arrugadas, de hilos bastos y rica texturas, para añadir personalidad, y matizar el reflejo de la luz.Source URL:
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El equilibrio al diseñar un cuarto

    El equilibrio al diseñar un cuarto para adolescente

    Un cuarto adolescente, como dijimos debe estar decorado con muebles funcionales, dónde se les permita con gran facilidad mantener el orden, y dónde no pueden faltar las combinaciones de colores estridentes, y brillantes.

    En este cuarto podemos observar como se combinaron diferentes motivos, y cabe destacar que es muy importante considerar las dimensiones de los estampados, para que estén a tono con el resto de la decoración y las dimensiones del cuarto.

    De esta manera, podemos otorgar visualmente un efecto de grandeza y amplitud, por otro lado en esta paleta de colores naranjas y marrones, conseguimos así el toque colorido y natural, sin recurrir a elementos rústicos y permitiendo una absoluta modernidad en el diseño.

    Para equilibrar tanto derroche de colores, nada mejor que optar por un cortinado en color blanco, o en una tonalidad clara, que le permitirá suavizar el tono de las paredes, y además nos dará el toque informal y distinguido que por lo general a los adolescentes les encanta.Source URL:
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Consejos para decorar un baño pequeño

    Todos sabemos el cuarto de baño con el que soñamos, sale a veces en las películas y cuenta con una bañera gigantesca, ventanas por las que entra la luz a raudales y mucho espacio. Por lástima, ese cuarto de baño no cabe en nuestra casa, pero ese no es motivo para desanimarse.

    Con una buena distribución es posible convertir un baño pequeño y oscuro en una sala funcional, agradable y también moderna.

    ¿Cómo? Aquí van algunos consejos que te ayudarán a optimizar el espacio y a agrandar visualmente la habitación.

    1. La iluminación

    Muchos cuartos de baño no cuentan con ventanas, por lo que toda la luz tiene que ser artificial. Apuesta por una iluminación potente a base de halógenos de luz amarilla. Los apliques del espejo, mejor en los laterales que sobre el espejo (pues si no se crean sombras). También es buena idea colocar apliques en la zona de la ducha.

    2. Los colores

    Para no causar agobios son mejores los colores neutros, que no cansan, y se pueden ver matizados por los complementos. Decorar con dos colores (parte baja, parte alta), es una buena idea, y no olvides que la parte superior y el techo deben ser siempre de un color claro.

    Los colores frescos, como el verde o el azul, también aportarán una sensación de calma y relax, y por extensión, de espaciosidad.

    3. Ducha mejor que bañera

    Es obvio el por qué ¿no? Si antes conseguías meter una bañera en tu cuarto de baño al sustituirla por una ducha ganarás mucho espacio. Las duchas que puedes ver debajo son de Albatros.

    4. Cristal

    Utilizar manparas de cristal en la ducha es una forma de apostar por la claridad en el baño, eso sí, siempre con tratamiento antical. También son una buena opción para separar espacios si, por ejemplo, tienes el baño junto al dormitorio.

    5. Nuevos materiales

    El baño puede ser decorado con algo más que azulejos, como con vidrios lacados o piezas grandes de granito o mármol, que prescinden de juntas y dan amplitud.

    6. Revestimientos a media altura

    No hace falta alicatar hasta el techo, de hecho, en un baño pequeño eso contribuye a la sensación de agobio. Puedes optar por revestir la zona de aguas y dejar el resto de media altura. El baño así, resultará más cálido.

    7. Organización del espacio

    Todo depende, por supuesto, del tamaño del baño y de su forma, pero hay determinadas pautas que podemos seguir.

    En los baños alargados, una buena idea es organizar todos los muebles en línea y dejar un espacio libre enfrente.

    En los baños cuadrados es mejor la decoración en forma de U pues permite aprovechar mejor el espacio.

    8. Libertad de movimientos

    Limita los accesorios del baño al mínimo necesario, o te sentirás incómod@ chocando -aunque sea visualmente- con multitud de objetos. Una sóla alfombra (y pequeña) será suficiente. El cesto de la ropa sucia mejor déjalo en otra habitación. Evita los armarios voluminosos.

    9. Muebles volados

    Los muebles volados dan mayor ligereza al cuarto. Un lavabo volado ocupa poco espacio, y puedes colocar debajo una papelera o un cesto. El lavabo de la foto que sigue es de Gala.

    10. Soluciones de almacenaje

    Lo de limitar los accesorios al mínimo está muy bien, pero la cruda realidad es que necesitamos meter las cosas en algún sitio. Un armario de poca profundidad, pero que llegue hasta el techo, permitirá aprovechar el espacio hacia arriba, lo ideal es hacerlo a medida. Si hay posibilidad de hacer un armario empotrado, no lo dudes, es la solución definitiva, y mejor con puertas correderas.

    Poner muebles suspendidos al lado del espejo del lavabo también puede ser una opción. Las puertas de cristal en los muebles contribuirá a darles menos densidad.Source URL:
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EXCLUSIVE: Aamir Khan joins Twitter

    Aamir Khan joins Twitter

    Bollywood's illustrious fraternity on Twitter just grew bigger. After Amitabh Bachchan, Shah Rukh and Salman Khan, it is now Aamir Khan's turn to join the micro-blogging site.

    It is a measure of his immense popularity that the 3 Idiots star, whose first tweet from his handle aamir_khan reads 'Testing. Aamir.', has already acquired 29,166 followers in the space of nine hours.

    Filmmaker Karan Johar was one of the first to welcome the actor to the community and tweeted "@aamir_khan on twitterverse people!!!". Amitabh Bachchan, who reportedly convinced Aamir to take the plunge, was also quick to extend greetings. "You have been tried and tested! Welcome, and thank you for agreeing to twitter! Now handle it brother! There will be MADNESS!!" read Big B's tweet.

    Aamir has in fact joined the Twitter community a day earlier than expected. "Aamir will be on Twitter from July 1. He was not on Twitter till now because he thought he won't be able to give enough time to it. But since Mr.Bachchan insisted on him joining it, he gave it another thought and has decided to join it. He cannot say no to Mr.Bachchan," a source close to the actor was quoted as saying.

    Aamir met Amitabh and his actress-politician wife Jaya over a casual dinner in London some time back and Amitabh started persuading him to join the site. He even taught him how to send Tweets through his phone.

    Having made a late entry, it remains to be seen if and when Aamir overtakes Twitter veterans like Amitabh and Shah Rukh who have 207,690 and 484,464 followers respectively.Source URL:
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‘We fell in love over time’

    Recently married Manisha Koirala admits that it wasn’t love at first sight for her, but also adds that she’s very much in love now.

    Manisha Koirala, one of Bollywood’s biggest stars in the 90s, finally tied the knot on June 19 with Nepali businessman Samrat Dahal. She said that despite getting married fairly late, love finally made its way into her life.

    She admits that it wasn’t love at first sight. “We fell in love after several meeting. It didn’t happen overnight. As we got to know each other, we started spending more time together and somewhere in the middle, things clicked and we fell in love, “ she says.

    Not even married for 15 days, but she admits that she has already made herself at home in her husband’s home. “We have a lot in common, especially travelling. We have plans to go to Paris, Barcelona and Genoa ,” says the new Mrs. Dahal.

    Although she admits that she is a good cook, she shares the little fact that her husband loves cooking as well. “We make various dishes for each other. Both of search for new and exotic recipes that we make for each other. It’s a blessing that my husband is a wonderful chef,” she laughs.

    We wish the newlyweds all the best.
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We are 'ready'! - Photos

    Bollywood actor Salman Khan is seen here addressing the media in Colombo today. Khan said he was not worried about repercussions back in India regarding the shooting of his new movie in Sri Lanka. (Pics by Manoj Rathnayake)

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Luxury Design Bedroom Set from Pop Collection by Altamoda Company

    Luxury Design Bedroom Set from Pop Collection by Altamoda Company
    Luxury bedroom set from Pop collection by Altamoda company, is well known among lovers of luxury and chic furniture, an excellent solution to create a bright interior design and glamorous. All furniture by surprise a little flashy colors and unique shapes. The main elements of this set is a round bed with the head of a beautiful bed that reminded crown. The bed completely covered by soft textiles, thus making it more luxurious. In addition, this room all fully equipped with the usual white was completely absorbed and a large bath. Such as bathroom sinks, which are both enriched with colorful flowers that glow with charm. Probably not many people could decide to make a room like that, but it could be interesting for fans to find such a glamorous style.
    Luxury Design Bedroom Set from Pop Collection by Altamoda Company
    Luxury Design Bedroom Set from Pop Collection by Altamoda Company
    Luxury Design Bedroom Set from Pop Collection by Altamoda Company
    Luxury Design Bedroom Set from Pop Collection by Altamoda Company
    Luxury Design Bedroom Set from Pop Collection by Altamoda Company
    Luxury Design Bedroom Set from Pop Collection by Altamoda Company
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Luxury of Dining Room Furniture – Between Tradition and Innovation

    Modern dining room tables, for example, will highlight mere lines These are the traditional ways that dining furniture may come but in the modern setting, things could be quite different. For example, you can find furniture with unusually shaped legs, bases or tabletops with artistic etched designs. Some dining furniture come with elaborate engravings or etchings in them. Typically, a dining table would usually be weighty especially in the base or leg part, thus, making the whole dining set quite bulky.

    Luxury of Dining Room Furniture – Between Tradition and InnovationWhile this is not absolute, this is how things go for the most part in the modern furniture industry. These days, dining furniture can go to extremes of either plain black or plain white. Classic furniture would usually emphasize the grain of the wood which is finished with medium to dark shades. There have been some major changes even in the treatment of wood, along with the finishing and the resulting textures. Comparing traditional and modern dining sets will lead one to discover that the differences don’t only lie in design.

    Luxury of Dining Room Furniture – Between Tradition and InnovationThis is where great home memories are built and when it comes to making these memories more special, you can count on fine dining furniture. There’s probably no other place in the home where you could get everyone to share the day’s events, crack jokes and make life just sweeter for having all these special people around. The traditions and values we’ve held on through the years couldn’t come move alive than in the dining room where the whole family gathers for some nice food and great conversations.
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Luxury Harmful Living Room Design

    Luxury Harmful Living Room DesignNo one can be proud of in a house unless you can load the living room in the house to be comfortable. Appropriate placement Sofa and color to suit the color of the walls will add comfort to anyone who comes into your home.

    Luxury Harmful Living Room Design
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Spectacular Views of the Pacific: Luxurious Point Dume Residence in Malibu

    Spectacular Views of the Pacific: Luxurious Point Dume Residence in Malibu
    Modern Home Architecture main entrance
    Famous for its amazing warm, sandy beaches, the mighty Pacific and the spectacular residences of countless movie and entertainment stars, Malibu is the place to be if you want to check out the vacation homes of the celebrities for some inspiration.
    Spectacular Views of the Pacific: Luxurious Point Dume Residence in Malibu
    Living room interior design with view to the garden and the pool
    Designed by
    Griffin Enright Architects and known as Point Dume Residence, this 6,000-sq.-ft. house uses concrete at its best to bring undulating flows to a contemporary interior that promotes large open spaces, expansive windows and floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors.
    Spectacular Views of the Pacific: Luxurious Point Dume Residence in Malibu
    Living room interior design wooden wrown colors with white noteWith terraces offering spectacular views of the ocean, with perfect furniture for every room and an exquisite lap pool to dip in whenever you need to cool off, the Point Dume Residence charms with its minimalist simplicity.
    Spectacular Views of the Pacific: Luxurious Point Dume Residence in Malibu
    Modern bathroom itnerior design
    Spectacular Views of the Pacific: Luxurious Point Dume Residence in Malibu
    Modern architecture house garden and pool
    Spectacular Views of the Pacific: Luxurious Point Dume Residence in Malibu
    Modern exterior design
    Spectacular Views of the Pacific: Luxurious Point Dume Residence in Malibu
    Guest bedroom decoration and design
    Spectacular Views of the Pacific: Luxurious Point Dume Residence in Malibu
    Guest bedroom interior design
    Spectacular Views of the Pacific: Luxurious Point Dume Residence in Malibu
    modern design living room
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Salman Khan not worried

    Bollywood Superstar Salman Khan says he is not worried about the repercussions which may arise in South India as a result of his decision to shoot his latest movie‘Ready’ in Sri Lanka.

    “It’s not a big deal. I have not faced any barriers so far. And I don’t think I will have any problems in screening the movie in South India,” Khan told reporters in Colombo today adding that the movie was being shot in Sri Lanka as it saves a lot of money and time.

    The movie was scheduled to be shot in Mauritius, Singapore and Thailand but instead they found all the locations for the movie in Sri Lanka. Salman Khan is a producer cum lead actor while Kollywood actress Asin is paired alongside with him.
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Modern And Elegant Bedroom Collections From Gautier - give you fresh decorating ideas

    Gautier is a design company founded in 1958. We found some really nice bedroom arrangements on their site which we hope will give you fresh decorating ideas. Most of them are simple, sober and elegant, with wooden furniture and stylish carpets to go with it. The color mix goes from mild to fresh, but the overall effect is always pleasing. You will rarely see strong colors – the green and red pillows are an exception, but with a lovely effect. Flowers and paintings make the interiors lively and also help personalizing every room. Small details and decorative items such as bottles and tea cups really manage to make a difference. We also like the floor lamps and the night stands. Enjoy!

    Modern And Elegant Bedroom Collections From Gautier - give you fresh decorating ideas

    Modern And Elegant Bedroom Collections From Gautier - give you fresh decorating ideas

    Modern And Elegant Bedroom Collections From Gautier - give you fresh decorating ideas

    Modern And Elegant Bedroom Collections From Gautier - give you fresh decorating ideas

    Modern And Elegant Bedroom Collections From Gautier - give you fresh decorating ideas
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Modern And Elegant Bedroom Collections From Gautier - give you fresh decorating ideas

    Gautier is a design company founded in 1958. We found some really nice bedroom arrangements on their site which we hope will give you fresh decorating ideas. Most of them are simple, sober and elegant, with wooden furniture and stylish carpets to go with it. The color mix goes from mild to fresh, but the overall effect is always pleasing. You will rarely see strong colors – the green and red pillows are an exception, but with a lovely effect. Flowers and paintings make the interiors lively and also help personalizing every room. Small details and decorative items such as bottles and tea cups really manage to make a difference. We also like the floor lamps and the night stands. Enjoy!

    Modern And Elegant Bedroom Collections From Gautier - give you fresh decorating ideas

    Modern And Elegant Bedroom Collections From Gautier - give you fresh decorating ideas

    Modern And Elegant Bedroom Collections From Gautier - give you fresh decorating ideas

    Modern And Elegant Bedroom Collections From Gautier - give you fresh decorating ideas

    Modern And Elegant Bedroom Collections From Gautier - give you fresh decorating ideas
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Elegant Sofa for Modern Living Room

    modern sofa
    modern sofa
    The Cut Sofa and Chair by Domenico de Palo
    Elegant Sofa for Modern Living Room
    Modern Sofa Design
    .We all know how difficult choosing and finding a modern sofa might be.., So Here I show you a collection of modern seating furniture from Momentoitalia which may be suitable for your sleeping and entertaining areas. Their modern sofa beds are made in Italy and imported from Italy.Their sofas have a modern design yet are strong and durable,the bed system is easy to use and very comfortable. The selection of sofa beds is unique; their sofa beds combine comfort,design and functionality. Their modern sofa beds open with easy movement, can come also in sectional versions and feature a completely removable cover
    Modern Sofa Design
    modern furniture
    modern furniture
    Modern Living room Interior Design
    Luxury Design Sofas
    Luxury Classic Sofa and Armchairs
    Have you ever found sofa beds who combine a sectional sofa,a reclining chair, a single bed and a double bed all in one? Now you found it. This modern sofa bed is all you need for your room. Starting as a regular sectional sofa with two seater element and a chaise lounge, the two seats slides forward into chaise positions. You can slide one seat more and unfold the seat cushion to reveal a single bed, or you can slide both seats to have a double bed. Modern design and plenty of creativity, this modern sofa bed is very innovative in its field.Elegant Sofa for Modern Living Room

    contemporary sofa
    contemporary sofa
    Home Interior Design
    Contemporary Sofas Design
    designer sofa
    designer sofa
    Modern Furniture Design
    Interior Design
    living room sofa
    living room sofa
    Living Room
    Furniture Designs
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Elegant Sofa for Modern Living Room

    modern sofa
    modern sofa
    The Cut Sofa and Chair by Domenico de Palo
    Elegant Sofa for Modern Living Room
    Modern Sofa Design
    .We all know how difficult choosing and finding a modern sofa might be.., So Here I show you a collection of modern seating furniture from Momentoitalia which may be suitable for your sleeping and entertaining areas. Their modern sofa beds are made in Italy and imported from Italy.Their sofas have a modern design yet are strong and durable,the bed system is easy to use and very comfortable. The selection of sofa beds is unique; their sofa beds combine comfort,design and functionality. Their modern sofa beds open with easy movement, can come also in sectional versions and feature a completely removable cover
    Modern Sofa Design
    modern furniture
    modern furniture
    Modern Living room Interior Design
    Luxury Design Sofas
    Luxury Classic Sofa and Armchairs
    Have you ever found sofa beds who combine a sectional sofa,a reclining chair, a single bed and a double bed all in one? Now you found it. This modern sofa bed is all you need for your room. Starting as a regular sectional sofa with two seater element and a chaise lounge, the two seats slides forward into chaise positions. You can slide one seat more and unfold the seat cushion to reveal a single bed, or you can slide both seats to have a double bed. Modern design and plenty of creativity, this modern sofa bed is very innovative in its field.Elegant Sofa for Modern Living Room

    contemporary sofa
    contemporary sofa
    Home Interior Design
    Contemporary Sofas Design
    designer sofa
    designer sofa
    Modern Furniture Design
    Interior Design
    living room sofa
    living room sofa
    Living Room
    Furniture Designs
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Shahid's mystery trip to London

    With Sonam Kapoor heading for Mumbai for the promotion and release of her new film 'I Hate Luv Storys', shooting for 'Mausam' in Edinburgh slackened up a bit.

    The hero Shahid Kapoor, who also happens to be the director's son, decided to take off for a three-day visit to nearby London. Only father Pankaj Kapoor knew about Shahid's whereabouts while the rest of the unit was kept in the dark about his visit.

    Though Shahid maintained before her departure that Pankaj Kapoor had planned solo sequences with him while waiting for Sonam to return, the fact is that the unit was left with very little to do after Sonam's fleeting return to Mumbai which was planned well in advance.

    "Shahid didn't have much shooting to do once Sonam left. So he took off for a secret holiday to London for four days," a source said.

    A co-actor from the unit let the cat out of the bag. He said: "I don't know what Shahid told others. But the truth is, without Sonam there was little he could do for the camera. 'Mausam' is a love story and 90 percent of the time their scenes are together. With Sonam gone Shahid left for London. For what, we don't know."

    Apparently on his return, Shahid was teased mercilessly about his "secret rendezvous".

    Who with, Shahid isn't telling.
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