(Cords? What cords?)
I am sometimes asked when and where I blog. With three children, a husband, three cats, a household to run and writing assignments, that is a very good question! Though I do most of my actual blogging when everyone else has settled into bed, I glean inspiration for my blog posts throughout the day. Sometimes a color will spark an idea within me, sometimes it is a conversation I have with a friend…other times I will post about a project I am working on or hope to begin. If I am lucky, paper and pen will be within reach; other times the idea will be lost amidst the sea of things to do and remember in my mind. I often blog at my desk area, surrounded by my notes or objects that inspire me; other times, I take my laptop and settle into my favourite comfy chair and type away. Blogging is now a part of my life, and I try to keep it easy and casual. We all know what happens when something becomes work…!
Today, I am hooking up to Censational Girl's blog-spot show and tell party and sharing a photo of where I while away my online/work time. You might remember I gained a new desk (built by the handyman) a few months ago. Well, it is working out great and I even splurged on a new apple green Dell laptop as my old one had a few glitches with some keys and that wasn't much fun. So, although I don't have an office, per se, I have a great space in the center of the action (which can be both good and bad!) and , well, I am getting "to it and at it and at it and to it" (bonus points if you know the song that phrase comes from).
What about you...where is your blog spot?
Source URL: https://threemoonsevolving.blogspot.com/2010/08/my-blog-spot.htmlVisit Future Design Interior for daily updated images of art collection