Happy Turkey Day! Good/Bad news

    Enjoy my Thanksgiving Card for All

    Now the Good News and the Bad News:

    This Friday was supposed to be my LAST Chemo treatment. Hurray!

    I get a call this morning at around 9:30AM from the chemo infusion center, right when I am deciding where to start first, mopping floors or making , and they asked me "where are you?" I inform them that I do my chemo on Fridays not Wednesdays. "But we are closed Thursday and Friday for the Holiday and the doctor scheduled your chemo for today." Well shit I think. I take the day off of work so I can do some pre-baking and preparing so it won't be so hectic tomorrow and now I have to go and spend 7 hours at the hospital. So, that's the bad news, because our five year anniversary is Saturday. With Chemo on Friday's I would be find on Saturday to celebrate. With Chemo on Wednesday, I will be hugging the camode on Saturday.

    BUT! It is the LAST one and now it's done.

    I did manage to make 2 pecan pies tonight. One I left out some of the ingredients and didn't find out until after it came out of the oven. Looks pretty but probably is hard as a rock! (pre-drugs make you loopy and brain dead) So then had to make another with all the ingredients.

    Hope everyone has a good time with family and friends, lots of good food, full bellies and left overs!!

    AND remember all your blessings, even in the worst of times there is much to be thankful for.Source URL: https://threemoonsevolving.blogspot.com/2008/11/happy-turkey-day-goodbad-news.html
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