Patchwork goodies make the wheels on our bus go round and round....

    We are alive and well in the Santa Cruz mountains staying with one of our bestest friends, David. Lately, most of our time has been taken up with minor bus repairs/improvements and long (city) bus rides into town. Veggie conversion is imminent. Funding is necessary hence the plug for my biz...I've been sewing a lot many head scarves before we can afford a 12v inline heater? hmm.... Plans have been drawn and will be uploaded very soon for your enjoyment! And now, a word from our sponsers. Us. =)


    New Stuff at !

    Felt flower headscarves and patchwork headscarves and $20 corduroy shoulder bags...Oh my!

    I'm stoked to finally have my gorgeous flower and patchwork headscarves online! I've been selling these locally at Saturday market and people really seem to enjoy them. I haven't seen one person try them on and look just can't. How can you go wrong with a big ol' felt flower? You just can't help but smile. =) infamous $20 corduroy shoulder bags are online now too!! These babies are awesome. Small pocket is for goodies, big pocket is big enough for books and a few apples. Serged seams reinforced in key spots with frayblock AND the extra-long strap is extra-secured with lots of reinforced stitching. Cheap: yes! Twinky? HECK NO!

    Hope folks enjoy the new stuff!

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