I know I said I'd be back yesterday with a real post but I'm pretty backed up right now with work & trying to figure out the childcare situation, so I need a little break. We toured a couple of daycare/ preschools yesterday and I'm feeling pretty good about 1 so we'll see how it goes. For now I'll just leave you with an image I got from one of my favorite reads,
Head Over Heels. It's perfect for the beginning of Fall and I cannot get over that velvet. So sumptuous & beautifully aged!! (I'm not sure I've actually used "sumptuous" in a sentence before but could think of no other word!)
And some news/ details about the new store: The Loudon Design Center plans to open a new trade-only showroom in historic Leesburg, Virginia and I'll have an office at the showroom. On the weekends, the store will open to the public as Pure Style and we will offer a line of furniture and fabrics I'm currently designing, along with one-of-a-kind pieces and trade-only fabrics & furnishings. The owner, Elise Seidita, is finishing up negotiations and if all goes as planned, we will open for business in October. (keep your fingers crossed!!)
The showroom will need to be totally redone and I'll definitely take you along in the process of designing the new space. I am so excited to start this new venture!! As you probably remember, I love shopping at the Old Lucketts Store & On a Whim Antiques (both in nearby Lucketts, VA) and other shops in Leeseburg, so I'm so excited to be nearby and become a part of the growing design community there.
Source URL: https://threemoonsevolving.blogspot.com/2010/08/Visit Future Design Interior for daily updated images of art collection